
ServerResolver Class
Reference Library
ServerResolver Class
Is used to take a known battle.net server ip or hostname and allow you to get the suffixes the server adds at the end of usernames. You must do one of the following before you attempt to access the list of servers. You can either call the Init() method or allocate a new servers list and then manually add server information. I recommend just calling Init() and then using the rest of the methods and properties.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public static class ServerResolver
Public NotInheritable Class ServerResolver
public ref class ServerResolver abstract sealed
All MembersMethodsProperties

Takes the given server ip or hostname and resolved it to retreive the known suffix's for the selected server.

Retrieve battle.net's server list. This must be called before you use any of the functions or properties of this class.

A list of battle.net servers and the suffixes that reside at the end of usernames. You can either load them by calling init(), adding servers to this list manually or a combination of both.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: Asgard5Library (Module: Asgard5Library)