Last Updated: 3/20/2012 Packet Format 2 bytes (Packet Length) 1 byte (PacketID) VOID (Packet Data) PacketByte - PacketName =================================================== 0x00 - KeepAlive [empty] =================================================== 0x01 - Login client -> server (STRING) username ( username @ server) (STRING) channel (not your channel but the channel your bots will use) (STRING) password (BOOL) operator status server -> client bool status (if your logon passed or not, will return false if the password doesn't match the channel or you are not a channel operator.) =================================================== 0x02 - Message server -> client (STRING) message (a message to send to client -> server (STRING) message (a message you wish to distrubute) =================================================== 0x03 - Master server -> client [empty] (If you get this packet your the master and should handle events otherwise remain at slave level.) client -> server [empty] (Used to designate yourself as the master) =================================================== 0x04 - ClearQueue client -> server [empty] (Will inform all users to clear the queue) server -> client [empty] (Informs the user to clear their queue) =================================================== 0x05 - MaxConnectionsReached server -> client (STRING)message C# Packet Enum /// /// An enumeration of asgard queue packets to the corresponding bytes. /// public enum AsgardQueuePacketId { KeepAlive = 0x00, Login = 0x01, Message = 0x02, Master = 0x03, ClearQueue = 0x04, MaxConnectionsReached = 0x05 }