
ShuBot Readme

Shu Bot Readme

Command Legend:

[] = Required

() = Optional

* = Wildcard supported

User needs atleast one of the flags to do the command.

Command Flags Example Description
say AMT .say [hi] The bot will say what ever you want.
ban, b , own AMO .ban [name*] (message) The bot will ban anyone with lower acess then you with the message if you include it.
kick, k AMOR .kick [name*] (message) The bot will kick anyone with lower acess then you with the message if you include it.
unban, u AMO .unban [name*] Unbans a banned person
ver, version, about AIMOR .ver Displays the bots version.
protect, lockdown AM .protect (on), (off), (status) Turns protect on or off and can display the status.
spamban, sb AM .sb (on), (off), (status) Turns spamban on or off and can display the status.
joinfloodprotect, jfp AM .jfp (on), (off), (status) Turns joinfloodprotect on or off and can display the status.
greet AM .greet (on), (off), (status) Turns greet on or off and can display the status.
cq, clearqueue AMOR .cq Clears the bots queue.
add M The command examples are in the description.

You cannot add people with the flag of M unless you do it manually. if you add someone with the flag of L they have to be removed manually in the database file and cannot be removed by the remove command.

You cannot add someone with higher access then you have. Rank does not give any commands or functions it's used for standard or custom greets

Example to autoban someone: .add [name] b

example to add someone without a custom greet: .add [name]; [flags]; [access]; [rank]

example to add someone with a custom greet: .add [name]; [flags]; [access]; [rank]; [custom greet]

custom greet variables:

%u Username
%r User Rank
%a User Access
%c User Addedon
%b User Addedby
%f User Database Flags

Example: .add name; s; 40; friend; welcome %u to the channel

would output the following when they join the channel welcome username to the channel

Standard greet output if greet is enabled and no custom greet is set

Welcome %u (%r)

r, rem M .rem user

If the user has the flags of l or m or the user has a higher access level then you cannot remove him.

removed used have there status= set to 0 and the bot ignored them.

re, reconnect M .re Reconnects the bot.
bancount, bc AIMOR .bc Displays the bots bancount
whoami, me, iam AIMOR .me Displays your user information from the database.
whois, find AIMOR .find [name] Displays the users information from the database.
ls, lastseen AIMOR .ls [name] Displays the last time the bot has seen the user (only keeps tracked of people who have been added to the bots database.).
uptime, timeup AIMOR .uptime Displays the system uptime.
oracle, 8ball AIMOR .oracle [question?] Ask the bot yes or no questions and it will answer them.
reload M .reload Reloads all bot settings.
voteban, vb AMO .vb [name] Will start a vote to ban the user.
banned, bans AIMOR .bans Will display everyone the bot has banned or has seen banned.
tagadd AM .tagadd [tag] Will add a tagban to the bot.
tagdel AM .tagdel [tag] Will remove a tagban from the bot.
tagban AM .tagban (on), (off), (status) Turns tagban on or off and can display the status.
tagbans AIMOR .tagbans Will display all the tagbans the bot has.
ipban AM .ipban (on), (off), (status) Turns ipban on or off and can display the status.
ipbans AIMOR .ipbans Will display all the people ipbanned.
op, ops, giveup DM .op [user] Will give ops to the specified user.
invite C .invite [user] If you are a war3 shaman or chieftan it will invite the user to the clan
setrank DM .setrank [user] [rank]

Sets a persons warcraft 3 rank if you are chieftan.

Ranks: Peon, Grunt, Shaman

mi C .mi [user] Gets warcraft 3 clan information for the user.
clientban, cb AM

.cb on, off, status

.cb star on, off, status

.cb sexp on, off, status

.cb w2bn on, off, status

.cb d2dv on, off, status

.cb d2xp on, off, status

.cb war3 on, off, status

.cb w3xp on, off, status

Enables client bans and such.

ddp M .ddp name Demotes all shamans then designates the name and rejoins then repromotes all shamans.
lw MI .lw Gets the last person to whisper the bot.
mediaplayer M .mediaplayer [winamp], [wmp], [itunes] Sets the media player to either Winamp, iTunes, or Windows Media Player.
play M .play (song) .play without (song) will just resume the play, .play with the (song) will have it search for the song.
stop M .stop Stops the mediaplayer.
mp3 AMI .mp3 Gets the current song from the mediaplayer.
sweep AMO .sweep [channel] Will ban everyone in the selected channel.
ipsweep AMO .ipsweep [channel] Will ban and ignore everyone in the selected channel.
pingban AM .pingban (on), (off), (status) Enabled, disables, or shows the status of pingban.
pingset AM .pingset [pings to ban]

Sets the pings to be banned.

Example: .pingban >600,=0,<0

The example will ban anyone with a ping over 600, a ping of 0, or a ping less then 0.